Un extrait du dernier livre de Emma Restall Orr, dont je vous parlais dans un précédent post…
« For the woman who has not hidden the hag within herself, that darkness at the center of the soul is a magical sanctuary. In Druidry, we speak of it as a nemeton deep within the soul, a place of exquisite peace and natural healing. Indeed, it is often referred to as a great dark cauldron ; it is only when a woman is able to sit, balanced and grounded, upon the three feet of that inner cauldron, that she is able to find the strength of her soul’s creativity, an ancient and bottomless pot containing that infinite universal darkness, this is the great cauldron of myth and legend, and mumbling beside it is her inner hag who, like Cerridwen, the old witch goddess of the sickle moon, stirs her brew of transformative inspiration. »
Même en anglais, je crois que j’ai saisi l’essentiel :
au centre de soi, touiller le chaudron pour renouer avec l’obscurité des énergies primordiales et nourrir sa créativité.
Ca tombe bien, j’ai toujours ma cuillère en bois sur moi !